Added an audio player for blog posts. First example here. I’m hoping to make more use of it if you’d rather listen to my writing than read it. Next step is a podcast feed.
Consumer internet service appears to not have been built assuming everyone would actually use it.
I wrote about how to lunch when coronavirus is in town.
Probably wishful thinking, but what if cursor support is part of a plan to use iPads as ARM dev hardware after a processor transition announcement at WWWDC?
The new Magic Keyboard supports the previous generation iPad Pro. That is unexpected and very nice! I’ll probably stick with my current iPad and buy the new keyboard in May. It’s my favorite computer.
With the full-featured trackpad/cursor support coming to iPad soon, I’m really curious what Figma can do to be a little more usable on the iPad. It’d be really nice to knock design off the list of things I still can’t quite do on iPad.
Was this close to ordering the new iPad Pro, then I realized the cool new keyboard doesn’t ship until May. I guess I can hold off until then.
My secret iOS wish: with schools cancelled and many people working from home, Apple engineers realize that Screen Time is broken and fix it.
Well this looks delightful.
WFH Lunch: Vegan Nachos

If COVID-19 doesn’t end up killing everyone, McDonalds has got it covered.
Had a great quick gravel ride this morning.

I’m just blowing my nose because there were spicy peppers on my sandwich. It was just the spicy peppers, you’ve got to believe me.
I’m going to purchase my first typeface license in years. Why? Downloadable font trials. Why wasn’t it always this way and why don’t all foundries offer them? *I know why, I just love trials*
I’m not sure what I think about the BMW logo yet, but a part of me thinks maybe thinkpieces are everything that is wrong with modern logo design.
Took the bus to work this morning in Seattle. COVID-19 is keeping everyone home. Emptiest I’ve ever seen it, ironically probably the safest transit ride health-wise in months.
The new BMW logo announcement is interesting, but I really want to see it in use.
Some new bike parts are on the way. Always exciting!
Explored some of the gravel riding available within a couple miles of my house. Loved it. Gonna be a regular thing for sure.