Whenever I see a news article outraged about tech industry privacy abuses my favorite game to play is to see how many trackers that news article’s website tried to use on me. I love that people are paying attention to this, just wish news orgs would hold up a mirror.
My new favorite way to look at the news is CNN’s lite version. Love the idea of a super stripped down version for a lot of websites. Loads fast, no-nonsense.
Garrett Dimon’s thoughts on front-end frameworks are compelling. Modern front-end JS frameworks put the burden of developer convenience on the end user.
Was not expecting this mash up, but I’ll definitely be watching. I’m not much of a gamer anymore, but gaming focused products have a way of improving life for the rest of us computer users.
You don’t realize how nice NetNewsWire’s arrow key navigation is until you try to do it in other apps and nothing happens.
I love that so many people in Seattle ride bikes. One benefit is that there are little bike repair shops that can fix things for you in an hour or two so you can get back on your way for the ride home.
Had a great President’s Day hike with the family.

Wonderful to see migration while waiting for the bus this morning.

When the dog insists on joining an outing without knowing beforehand it was a bike ride.

I thought that Alibaba was just Amazon for China, but I recently realized you can use it to find manufacturers for anything. My mind is blown, it’s like I’ve seen inside the Matrix.
I’ve heard the 80:20 rule used enough ways now that I’m pretty sure it means whatever you want it to mean.
The new X100V looks amazing. My X100T is my favorite walk-around camera, and the new one (2 generations newer) seems like a great move forward.
It feels so good to be working on a logo design again. It’s been so long.
It’s a beautiful day in Seattle. Can’t wait to ride my bike home.
So we’re not even gonna pretend to try with this whole impeachment thing…
I wrote about Electronic Health Records and interoperability.
Craft 3.4 admin UI is very nice, very nice indeed.
The Star Wars Resistance finale was pretty fun. Doesn’t rise to the heights of Clone Wars or Rebels, but the kids and I enjoyed it.
Jeremy Keith hits on something real, again.
Almost through this week’s snowmageddon in Seattle. Growing up where people clear roads I’m continually baffled by Seattle. However, it’s not going to change so we’ll probably be swapping out for AWD vehicles this summer to avoid problems next year.