Roblox has given me a new parenting opportunity: explaining internet scams to children.
Sourdough. I’m in too deep.
The Clone Wars finale was amazing. I’d rather forget The Rise of Skywalker (easy to do), but between The Mandalorian and Clone Wars, it’s still a very good year to be a Star Wars fan.
Some recent entertainment thoughts
- The last few episodes of Star Wars: Clone Wars have been amazing! Dave Filoni should run everything Star Wars.
- 1917 is intense and beautiful. Roger Deakins’ work is something to behold.
- Tigertail is heartbreaking, but I really liked it.
Everyone working from home should be a shot in the arm for ISPs who provide fiber service. I can’t wait for it to become available in my neighborhood someday so that I can kick cable and its abysmal upload speeds to the curb.
My Magic Keyboard arrived tonight. Spent time designing in Figma in the browser on the iPad. It’s so close to parity with the desktop now. Just little things to adjust and it will be there. Super excited.
Hell is being the family IT resource during 2020, the year of sudden homeschooling.
Great article on the history of Tyndale’s Bible translation.
This post has been passed around a lot, for good reason. I recommend it.
One of the most clarifying things about the Coronavirus is the live demonstration of where power really lies. Ben Thompson’s take is interesting as always.
Rewriting Goblet of Fire today. “Durmstrang Forever! This is for you Hermionini!” Crumb cried to the sky as Cedric breathed his last under the crushing foot of the Hungarian Horntail.

Pascua is here again.
Cycling in the mountains really can’t be beat.

I heard somebody doesn’t like voting by mail. In Washington state we vote by mail by default and I love it. Turnout is high and it’s easy to do. Can’t wait to vote by mail this fall. I hope that people who don’t like voting by mail like who I’ll be voting for, but they’ll probably be disappointed.
My oldest just got her first phone and sends me approval requests to install apps a few times a day. I do not understand the things she wants to install.
Sewed myself a face mask. Feels pretty great and I think I might like sewing.

Onward was delightful.
Tried a new kind of salsa today. It was a battle. Spice was falling like ash from the sky, heat underfoot like hell itself. In a war like this, emerging alive is the only victory.
Put a kettle bell next to my desk to use during breaks. Not sure if it’s genius or not.
SLC friends, Banburry Cross is still open. You just have to call an order ahead or go through the drive through.