I’m so glad we are reliving the time when web developers made their technical preferences our problem by not testing their work in non-preferred browsers. The dream of the 90s is alive in developer land. </sarcasm>
No, you’re listening to lullaby versions of Weezer songs even though your baby is asleep on the other side of the house.
Riding at Cow Creek.
The kids discover an old settler’s cabin at Balcones National Wildlife Preserve.

I’m always surprised how wet it is to cycle in fog. I suppose I should remember it’s basically a cloud.
Ben & Jerry’s announced dairy free Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. They’re fulfilling a dream I didn’t know I had, but when will it arrive in stores?!
Write on your own website. I agree with Brad.
Really loving the latest Day One release for Mac. Feels much more native to the Mac and all the labels are readable again.
New baby week.

Netflix Feature Request: Alternate film/series edits based on my preferences. I’m not a cliffhanger guy, don’t show me cliffhangers. Watching this movie as a family. I would like a PG version please.
About to board a flight for Shanghai. My first trip to China, or anywhere in Asia.
Upgraded my site to Craft 3 recently. Pretty happy with it so far. Very familiar, snappy, and the plugin process is easier.
I wrote about My Year in Cycling.
I wrote this last Christmas time. It still describes my feelings as my family commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.
Launched a redesign of my website over the weekend. Still some rough edges to tighten up, but I’m overall happy with it. Now includes an about page.
Listening to the Harry Potter books with the kids again and I’m reminded that Dolores Umbridge may be a scarier villain than He Who Must Not Be Named.
It wasn’t until this year that I learned the instant benefit of exercise for increased energy and focus. At this point I’d rather ride my bike for two hours and study for one, because I’ll probably get as much or more done in that one as I would’ve gotten without exercise in three.
They Shall Not Grow Old looks stunning. The trailer alone is stirring. I can’t wait to see it. So timely as well.