Had a great time at Laguna Gloria last weekend.

Had a great time at Laguna Gloria last weekend.
Just got the Google Chrome Warn Before Quitting thing where it wouldn’t let me quit without a nannying incantation. Trying to remember a more user hostile feature I’ve seen recently, but coming up blank.
The Economist’s new design (print edition) is really nice. The wider columns feel so luxurious.
Stovetop is the true hot cocoa method. However a good mix (Trader Joe’s sipping chocolate is great), a little bit of cinnamon, microwaved almond milk, and an immersion blender do the trick too.
Possibly unpopular design opinion: Icon fonts are terrible and I wish they had never been made.
About to take off. En camino hacia Madrid.
New Bike Day :)
Did a nice family hike along the San Gabriel Riverbed this morning. What a great way to spend Labor Day.
Some classmates and I are working on a school project for parents. If you are a parent and have 5 minutes, I would appreciate your input on a survey.
I found out what I would use a time machine for. Returning to the moment last Saturday where I decided not to wear sunscreen at the pool party and shaking sense into myself.
The Incredibles 2 is delightful. Great family fun. My kids loved it, laughing and cheering the whole time, me too.
Saw Teen Titans Go! To The Movies with the boy yesterday. This was my first Teen Titans experience. I must say, it was great! Very funny and the animation is great.
New computer setup is coming together. Next step, cable management!
I’m really impressed by the new Buzzfeed News identity.
9 year old and friends decided to open glitter in her room. After a week of futile cleaning attempts I think it’s time to just burn this place down and start over.
I taught a Sunday School lesson about David and Goliath a few weeks ago. I wish I had seen this beforehand. Super interesting.
Saw Ant-Man and the Wasp yesterday. I loved it. It’s exactly what I want in a super hero movie. Funny, fun, with lovable characters. Pretty much the opposite of Infinity War. I vote for all Marvel movies being Ant-Man movies.
I met Asad and heard his story in person last October in France. I looked at him and saw myself, except I knew I would be seeing my own children in a matter of days. I hope the same thing happens for him someday soon.
Glad I got a ride in early this morning before the rain.
Tickets are purchased, rental car is reserved. Looking forward to SLC in August!