Coding with LLMs

I’ve been coding a lot with LLMs this week. For some problems they are extremely helpful, but for others they completely miss the point.

How I’m Using Generative AI: January 2024

Generative AI, whether the output is visual or text, has been making waves for over a year now. It’s the biggest sea-change in the tech industry since the smart phone appeared.

2023 Wind Down

2023 has been a year of extremes. The highs have been very high and the lows have been very low.

Website Redesign 2023

I’ve had this website since I was college in over 14 years ago. It’s gone through many designs and iterations over the years, but the redesign I’m rolling out today is the first since 2017.

So You Need a Website

You’ve found yourself with a going concern and need a home on the internet. So now what?

Reading & Watching & Listening & Playing: August 3, 2023

I have loved reading Ben Crowder’s Booknotes and Links posts for a long time. I thought I’d give it a go.

Our Skimming Future

Generative AI will effect the way that we work, but could make us worse at our jobs.

Thanksgiving Proclamation

The country was at war when Abraham Lincoln made a proclamation.

Computers as Appliances

Computers are different today. Nothing has driven this more home to me than observing my children’s encounter with them.

Rock of Offense

I have every confidence that those who actually know us will treat us with respect because that has been my experience throughout my life.

A Psalm

May sunflowers grow unmolested


Paul Farmer died in Rwanda today at age 62. For those who are familiar with him, his legacy and life will live on in the lives of countless people.

Designers and Editors

I saw a tweet this morning that brought to mind the role of the designer and the role of the editor.

My Kingdom for a Typical Day

I thought I’d write a bit about what a typical ideal day is and contrast it with reality.

Biden 2020

This year I will be voting for Joe Biden and against Donald Trump for the office of President of the United States.


If you’re feeling a bit cooped up, try riding some gravel.

I Never Knew You

To those who would hold up a Bible while doubling down on oppressive violence, I would say be careful.

Percolating Updates

There will be a new version of the Mind Vault app in the store soon. It will be small, but it will be a start.

Good Friday Fast

When I have fasted in the past, I have seen results in my life and a calming of my personal heartaches. If you feel so inclined, I hope that you will accep

What Happens After?

It is a stressful time so I permit myself to daydream a bit about some hopeful changes this pandemic might effect in my personal life and the world.