The new Harvest Mac App is nice!
Finn, the family Schnauzer
I think it would be fun to have an IndieWebCamp Homebrew Website Club in Austin. Anyone else interested?
Considering the state of things in the presidential race, I wrote some of my thoughts on immigration.
4 episodes into Stranger Things and holy crap!
Batman vs Superman: Uhhh… what is happening and why do I hate my childhood heroes? Wonder Woman was pretty great. Have you seen that new trailer?
Family time means family portrait time.
After today’s battle they shall call me Noah the Relieved: Vanquisher of SSL Certification.
I don’t think there’s any place more beautiful than the Puget Sound in summer.
We’re on the final descent into Seattle, after a day of delays and airports.
I wrote a little bit about my recent web development methods, as they relate to components.
After driving the family car to Austin earlier this week I’m in the airport to spend time with family and friends in Seattle for a week.
First day in Austin included getting a P.O. Box, visiting new under-construction home, eating tacos, eating Peruvian food, and eating mango gelato. Thumbs up.
We closed the sale of our current house this morning. Within a couple days we’ll be heading out of Michigan to Austin, Texas, with a Seattle interlude thrown in for fun.
Celebrating Independence Day by watching our greatest modern president shouting at aliens, “We will not go quietly into the night…”
I really love Atom’s stored, per file undo. Just fixed a file I accidentally totally mangled yesterday without resorting to git.