I much prefer Google’s streaming of events over YouTube to Apple’s setup. Reliable pausing and resumption of the stream is huge.
Watching the Pixel Keynote. Looks pretty cool, it’s fun to see Google getting into the hardware game. Apple’s advantage really sinks in when they get to the available carriers slides though.
2 weeks in our new house and everything is surprisingly put together. Now I just need to figure out what to do with the pile of empty boxes in the garage. It’d be nice to actually park in there.
Calling it G Suite is going to take some getting used to, but I’m loving the animation in their announcement video.
No driver’s license today. I’ve gotten licenses in three other states and none have been as terrible as Texas.
In line for a Texas license. Hopefully third time will be the charm. If not, maybe I can find the doctor that delivered me to prove I exist.
First day in the new home office. It’s nice!
Finally moved into our new house. Boxes everywhere, but our wifi is amazing! Priorities.
I love seeing an app I designed in all these iPhone benchmarking videos. Geekbench FTW!
Watched Tron Legacy with the kids. They loved it, especially the soundtrack. They want to listen to it all the time. School drop-offs are pretty epic now.
Llama llama
I helped Primate Labs with the Geekbench 4 iOS design and now it’s launched. Check it out!
I watch Friday Night Lights and loved it, but now that I live in Texas I’m realizing that high school football is no joke.
Trying to automate my website project spin up process.
I added some borders to my website header and they make me smile. :)
Kitchen table
Ice cream
Light Bulb
My wife did tell me that Super always beats Bat.
Doggy dog dog