You know what this sweet little hymn about the Savior’s birth needs? Electric guitar! – some earnest musician.


The quality of a Marvel movie is inversely proportional to the seriousness with which it takes itself.


During an early morning grocery run I picked up some beef jerky for breakfast. This may be my best recent decision, or maybe my worst.


I’m really liking The Crown. A great distraction this week.


The kids have been curious with all the election hubbub. Our best interaction so far has been this:

Daughter, “Do I have to do my homework?”

Mom, “Yes. Would you rather be a Hillary or a Trump? Hillary did her homework and Trump didn’t.”

Daughter did her homework.


Watched Midnight Special over the weekend. What an awesome, unexpected movie. I loved the music, cinematography, acting, story. All in all, a great movie.


I missed the heyday of blogging pretty much entirely, so their current state is all I know. Blogging is threatened by consolidation and thriving in equal measure.


If we define something that can’t be easily monetized as dead, then sure blogs are dead. Yet, I read them every day and write on one as often as I can.


The Microsoft VR stuff looks like the reincarnation of Bob.


Voted today. Early voting is pretty nice. I still miss Washington’s mail ballots though.


Nintendo Switch looks pretty great, but it all depends on the content. Kind of a chicken and egg thing, but it’s the greatest challenge.


I’m excited to be starting a new job at CognitiveScale next week designing stuff for AI.


I’m finding that I can divide what I eat into two groups, tacos and … everything else.


Just realized that my homepage wasn’t loading correctly in Chrome because images were loading from a non-HTTPS source. It’s fixed now and I should’ve tested after enabling SSL on my site, but pretty annoying that Chrome breaks rendering for mixed content.


Getting to that almost shipped stage of a freelance project. Equal parts relieved and excited.
