Had my first cycling mid-ride mechanical failure tonight. I’m just relieved it has nothing to do with the new stem I put on today.
I wrote about how the refugee crisis is a test of our hearts on the Their Story is Our Story blog.
How you can tell that there’s no going back from cycling? When your riding clothes are nicer than anything else you ever wear.
It’s been a couple months, but I wrote my thoughts about The Last Jedi.
Frank Chimero has done it again. What a fantastic writer. His thoughts about modern web design/development are pitch perfect.
I do love watching alpine skiing.
Been using Google Flights to plan for first school trip to Madrid, and got an email alerting me to flights at about half the price of normal last night. :)
First night on the bike trainer last night. Felt great, plus I caught up on Star Trek. :)
Every once in a while the difference between a design and the implemented front-end that should have resulted make me hang my head.
Went to get a better seat for my bike. Apparently measuring sit bones is a thing that people do.
Finally read The Innovator’s Dilemma and wrote a couple thoughts about it.
Had my first group ride last night. 13.1 miles. It was a lot of fun. Now it’s time to not move very much and recover.
Gulp preprocessor is busted after not touching a project for a while. I love/hate modern web development.
1st ride on my first bike since the late 90s. Turns out, muscles you don’t use for 15+ years don’t wait around for you to come back.
Log management, thrilling stuff.
Nice walk at the Arboretum yesterday afternoon.

(2/2) I really like the Google Home, but it would be nice to be able to use Apple Music and do smart home commands without finding my phone. Enter the HomePod. This is truly the stupidest/most frustrating platform war right now.
(1/2) I’m excited about the HomePods shipping soon. I’m pretty happy integrating my smart home stuff with a centralized system like HomeKit. The biggest issue is cost. I can have the Google Assistant in 7 rooms for the cost of 1 HomePod.
Oracle brought cupcakes. I don’t care what they’re selling, we’ll take it.