Parque de El Retiro

Parque de El Retiro
At the airport on my way to Madrid. :)
The news media schadenfreude on today’s Facebook hearings is palpable and, to me, off-putting. Clean up the spy/adware scripts bloating your news websites and then talk to me about privacy.
Watched Paddington 2 with the family for the second time in two weeks. It’s such a lovely, gentle, enjoyable film. Perfect family entertainment.
Tried Veracruz All Natural today. The chicken mole enchiladas were amazing and everything else I saw looked great too.
Long weekend is over, after a few hours of meetings at work I’m ready to get back on my bike.
Feliz Pascua! Happy Easter!
The Facebook/Cambridge Analytics revelations are frustrating, but I’m having a hard time mustering anger. This has been their business model for years, and there are remedies to their data collection. Not so with the NSA.
I’ve been designing from Components out on the product I’ve been working on for a couple months. I’m rediscovering one of the dangers of this approach. There can be great components in a mess of an overall layout.
I think I enjoy riding on the country roads around here most.
Had a vegan baking contest with the kids yesterday. No-bake fudge brownies vs cinnamon rolls. The results were delicious. This is the kind of contest nobody loses.
First time on tonight’s cycling route. A lot of fun, I’m feeling good.
The effects of Daylight Savings have not faded. Where did the morning go?
I’m really enjoying cycling and feel like I’m getting stronger, but I think I need to take some more pictures on my rides.
My 2 oldest are off for spring break, which means anarchy. Pure anarchy!
My two older kids are starting youth soccer, or, as my Dad used to call it, swarm ball.
The Star Wars Rebels finale was amazing. What a great show. I’m sad to see it go and excited to see what comes next.
Had a great weekend riding with TCT in Marfa, TX.
It’s been about a week since I somewhat accidentally stopped checking Twitter, although I still crosspost there, and life is… quieter and less stressful.
This is what real competition breeds in software. Prototyping in Sketch! Woohoo!