Movie Music

Two videos by Every Frame a Painting have been making the rounds over the last couple days. They describe why movies in general, and Marvel films particularly, have such forgettable music. It’s an eye opening look into the effect of music in film and the process behind how it is made. I’ve embedded the videos below if you haven’t seen them. I can just imagine how uncomfortable it must be for a director of one of these Marvel films to watch these.

I think it is really interesting to contrast the mediocrity of low risk music with one of the greatest surprises of the summer, Stranger Things. The music is distinctive, opinionated, and interesting to listen to. I can’t really remember a melody or phrase from the Stranger Things soundtrack on demand the same way I could with Star Wars or Indiana Jones, but the fuzzy memory I have when I think about Stranger Things is that the music was awesome.1

  1. I mentioned earlier today how my kids love listening to the Tron soundtrack. They ask for the Stranger Things soundtrack pretty frequently too. 

Music Soundtracks Film Movies