Career Minder
Role: Founder of Career Minder

The Career Minder Dashboard
Career Minder is a tool for helping you get your career under control. You use it to log your work experience, set goals, and then prepare for your next step by having all your own job data at hand so you can represent yourself well in resumes, case studies, annual reviews, and interview prep. I designed and did a lot of the front-end for this product. Check it out.
Career Minder provides an overview of your past work experience on the Path. You can track your jobs, education, and professional certifications. The Horizon lets you see how you are currently doing and keeps your goals top of mind. The product has been designed and built as a responsive web application.

The Experience Log and Brag Sheets
You keep track of your work experience on the Experience Log and then you can put your experience and accomplishments to work while writing Brag Sheets. With Brag Sheets, you can write Cover Letters, Resumes, and more. In order to help you log your experience on a regular basis, you can sign up for email reminders to help you remember.

The Career Minder marketing website
In addition to the application itself I designed and built the marketing site. It is a responsive site, built using AstroJS. In order to build the site, I designed many branding assets, including topographic map details and illustrations.