About to start my second viewing. :)
I don’t understand complaints about feedback on Dribbble, whose slogan is Show and Tell for Designers. 400x300 isn’t enough context for critique.
Great little short film. Very amusing:
Star Wars: Episode VII. I’ve been waiting for good new Star Wars since my parents introduced the originals to me 18 years ago. The wait is over.
InVision is pretty awesome, FYI.
T-minus 7 hours for new Star Wars.
Opened Photoshop and Illustrator this morning and I’m not sure yet how I feel about some of the new UI their introducing.
The Return of the Jedi matte paintings are amazing.
Just finished the Empire Strikes Back. Perfect.
You debate watchers are really flexing my Twitter muting capabilities. So many candidates.
Oh Autolayout debugging, how I’ve missed you. My old nemesis.
Just discovered that Force Touch can be used on the Magic Trackpad to rename files in the Finder. Pretty sweet!
The Good Dinosaur was great! Beautiful imagery, great characters, and nice family moments. The character animation of Spot was top notch.
I can think of a thing or two these folks should reconsider.
Got a new Simple card in the mail today. Their app activation is pretty sweet. Apple Pay setup is still weird though.
Creative Mornings was pretty great today. It had been a while, but I’m excited about going to more.
Designers, this is a pretty fantastic deal on some great typefaces. $25 extra gets you web licenses too.
The autoprocessed animations, collages, panoramas, etc. in Google Photos are really great. Other photo services should take note.
The Sith Lord in his downtime.
I wrote a little bit about Facebook.