I’m not sure what the right way for an elected official to say, “thank you for you input, but I disagree” in a reply to a constituent is, but the letters I’ve gotten back from Senator Cruz’s office are not it.
My dog loves to chew 2 things; Stuffed animal eyes and anything that gets near human ears. My exercise headphones are the latest casualty.
Spoiler free review of Star Wars. It’s so good, see it.
In my seat for Star Wars :)
Watched Columbus last night. I really liked it, but I feel like this is a The Fountain situation, where people I recommend it to will either love it or hate it.
Tigers always pace.

Hanging out at IndieWebCamp Austin. :)
Elephants playing with their Thanksgiving pumpkins.

The toddler prepping the grill.

Brigham Young’s House at the base of Emigration Canyon.

The boy shooting hoops.

Turning Up the Volume on the refugee crisis
Views like this are one of the reasons I love Salt Lake City.

Tried Lyft for the first time today. Very similar to Uber, but I like the app a lot more. It feels fun.
Looking forward to IndieWebCamp here in Austin this week. You should check it out. I think it’s going to be lots of fun.
We did it. Going with fake tree this year. No regrets.
There’s no landscape quite like Dineh country in NW New Mexico into SW Colorado.
10 miles into our 1200 mile trip and we’re stopping at Dahlia’s for breakfast, because kids. This is how you make good time on a road trip right?
Installed some smart light switches, paired them with some motion sensors, and I’ve got some HomeKit automation going on. I really like it so far.